Can distractions help you become a more focused artist? Why does speed seem like such a waste of time? Do you draw in “The Beginner Style?” …and how can you avoid the most common drawing mistakes? Life Drawing Expert Stan Prokopenko joins me today on The Oatley Academy ArtCast…
Books That Will Change Your Creative Process (Best Of 2017) :: ArtCast #106
The term “Concept Art,” brings to mind a specific kind of imagery. …but isn’t that a problem…? What if the struggle of learning Perspective Drawing simply isn’t worth it…? How can an animated TV show be deeply autobiographical for it’s creator and still have huge, mainstream appeal? Maybe what other people think of your art matters less […]
Creative Bravery: Why Animation Pros Sarah Marino and Jenn Ely Thrive In A Challenging Industry :: ArtCast #102
This month, Sarah Marino (Color Supervisor at Nickelodeon), Jenn Ely (Production Designer for House Special, Visual Development Artist for Dreamworks) and I are teaching a new online workshop called First Flight: How To Create Your New Career In Visual Development. I invited them both to join me here on The ArtCast to promote First Flight and talk about how they achieved such significant success in their animation careers… Episode Highlights […]
Interview with Animation Art Director Ryan Carlson (Part 2) :: ArtCast #101
In the previous episode, we met Ryan Carlson – my Disney mentor and the person without whom The Oatley Academy may never have happened… Now in part two, Ryan talks about: Working on The Iron Giant and what he learned from Brad Bird. His advancement from Assistant Effects Animator to Art Director. How to lead […]
Interview with Animation Art Director Ryan Carlson (Part 1) :: ArtCast #100
In many ways, I owe my career to Ryan Carlson. He played a key role in giving me my first break at Disney, taught me more about painting than any other individual and he, more than anyone for whom I’ve worked, has intentionally helped to advance my career. …and considering that The ArtCast probably wouldn’t […]