Making a living as an artist has never been easy but Patreon will be, for many of you, a total financial game-changer.
Jack Conte and Tyler Palmer join me for an empowering conversation about their innovative new approach to crowdfunding for artists…
Listen To The Podcast:
“I didn’t need a Kick-start. I needed a salary.”
-Jack Conte
Topics Covered:
- Should you sell your personal project or give it away?
- Timeless tips for growing your audience.
- The problem with paywalls.
- Why advertising is awful.
- The kinds of personal projects that don’t succeed.
- The value of failure.
- How important is social media?
-Tweet This Quote
Links Mentioned:
Music by Pomplamoose
ArtCast themes by Kangaralien
Jack’s Awesome Robot Video
Scott Bradlee‘s Patreon Page
“If you fail at something it means you’re trying and you’re growing and you’re working. And every time you fail at something you know that you’re pushing yourself – which is good. The last thing I want to do is go through a year without failing a hundred times. Because if you haven’t failed a hundred times, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.”
-Jack Conte
Learn More:
Will Your Personal Project Make Money?
There Are Easier Ways To Become A Professional Artist
The Death Of Freelance Illustration and Why We Quit Our Dream Jobs