Click Here to watch Part Two of this series. This video was recorded in April of 2009. The ‘News’ announcements are outdated. The quality of the art, the video and the audio aren’t as strong as my more recent but I believe that the content is still worthwhile. In This Video :: I recently had […]
Escape From Art Jail :: ArtCast #11
IN THIS EPISODE :: I spent most of the last episode answering some of the great questions that I have received from you, my dear listeners. And I thank you again for sending them in. Something that has become apparent in my conversations with you is that almost everyone feels like they are in a […]
Listener Questions Answered :: ArtCast #10
IN THIS EPISODE :: I answer listener questions about how I broke in to the entertainment industry, about being a well-rounded artist and I share some encouragement for those who may have found themselves in a transitional phase of life.
‘Tinker Bell’ The Movie :: Audio Commentary With Mike Greenholt :: ArtCast #6
Special guest Mike Greenholt joins me on this audio commentary that can be played along withTinker Bell the movie (now available on DVD and BluRay). We explain what we did on the film and how we did it. We also share stories about the production as well as some personal perspectives on the art of animation. This […]
Things I Learned The Hard Way :: My First ArtCast EVER!
IN THIS EPISODE :: Well, my friends, I have finally launched the first official episode of Chris Oatley’s ArtCast! This episode is the first in a series that divulges some of the difficult lessons that I have had to learn in my life and how I have since taken those experiences and applied them to my art and/ […]